Welcome to the Listening Room
Gone are the days of needing the coveted recording contract with a label. There is a plethora of music from every corner of the planet available. Independent music has secured its place in today's global digital marketplace and you, as the listener, are at the center of it all!
Mark J. Dye produced and recorded a number of the songs I wrote. I learned a lot from the 'master of the craft' during the time we spent in the recording studio. There were a few bleary-eyed sessions but it was a joy to work with him on those projects! He allowed me to 'live the dream' in the studio and it was an experience I'll never forget.
I haven't formally recorded new music since leaving Florida in 2005. It is difficult to replace someone as talented as Mark Dye. He is responsible for two of my full-length recordings, New York City and Sail Beyond the Sunset, and a third that was half finished when I moved. He's also responsible for the beautiful sounds on my holiday recording, Christmas Traditions. So, there is a bit of recorded music for your personal listening pleasure.
Here are a couple of video offerings from YouTube. 'What's Really Happening?' was Song of the Week at the David Bowie website shortly after it was recorded.
Please don't steal. If you like my songs and want to 'borrow' part or all of one, please contact me and we'll talk about what you want to do.